With summertime just around the corner, finding ways to living a healthy detox life can be a challenging task.
In blog this blog post, I will list several ways that you can detox and rejuvenate your body in a healthy way. I also will list some of my favorite juice cleanse weight loss smoothies and infused detox water recipes too.
As a disclaimer, I am not a physician or medical doctor. What works for me may not work for you. Always seek advice from your doctor at all times.

Why is Detoxifying So Important For Your Body?
Having a healthy body cleanse from your entire impurities can only enhanced your other qualities. Due to the Covid pandemic, being home working remotely was making me feel sluggish. I needed to find ways to keep my energy up to par on a daily basis.

Long story short, I needed to find other effective ways to fuel my body’s nutrients. That means I had to change up some things in my digestive system regarding consumption of foods.

Benefits for Detoxifying
- It keeps your liver clean
- Reduces disease inflammation in your body
- Keeps you in shape to lose weight
- Gets rid of toxins in your body
- Keeps you mentally focus to achieve your goals
Why a Healthy Detox Is Essential?
Here are the current realities. Toxins are in the food we eat, the air we inhale, and the water we drink. They are in our lounge chairs, our rugs, our PDAs, and our PCs. They travel via planes, trains, and – you got it – vehicles.
Some time ago detoxes were viewed as odd or bizarre, however with the measure of poisons in our food and water these days, detoxing has gotten important to keep up your well being. Poisons or toxins can be found in everything from drug medications to enroll receipts, and the rundown continues to develop.
Everybody needs to carry on with a daily existence liberated from sickness and disease, yet with poisons or toxins on the ascent, it is getting increasingly troublesome. A poison is basically a toxic substance and can be interior just as outer.

Outside body poisons incorporate family synthetic substances, mechanical contaminations, food added substances, and pesticides. Interior poisons consist of side-effects brought about by ordinary metabolic cycles inside your body such as liquor, caffeine, and sugar.
Most body poisons can be found inside of our fat tissues. Each individual living in an industrialized nation presently conveys a normal of 700 manufactured synthetic substances in their body from food, water and air.
Body poison amassing really begins in the belly and can be put away for quite a long time, denying you of your essentialness, energy, and spirit. Poisons rush the maturing cycle and cause irritation as well.
The video below will give you more insight on how to properly detox your body for living a healthy detox life. It also gives excellent examples of foods that detox your body very well too.
What Does a Detox Do For Your Body?
- After watching the video, you will have a good understanding of what a detox does for your body. Our bodies are so well defined that it is always on autopilot to naturally cleanse itself.
- It flushes out all of the pollutants, toxins, and chemicals that our bodies are producing to come out on a daily basis
- It rejuvenates your body by giving you a boost of energy too
- Weight reduction
- Quicker digestion
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Starting my journey to living a health detox life was going to be challenging for me. Sweets and junk foods in the summertime are my kryptonite.
Like many of us, I was under the impression that I would have to starve myself to just drinking compressed juices all day. What a sigh of relief that this was not the case at all.
I just wanted to find other methods that would help me to detox my body effectively from toxins inside my body as well.

You will be surprised on how refreshing it is for your body to live a healthy detox life just for a couple of days.
5 Effective Ways to Detox
- Avoid sugar and processed foods
- Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables
- Hydrate your body with fluids
- Add probiotics to your diet
- Stay away from wheat products
All choices listed above are excellent for detoxing your body in a day too. The hard part about detoxing is staying disciplined enough to achieve your goals.
What Are Probiotics?
Probiotics are good healthy bacteria that helps to cleanse your digestive system or gut out properly. Here are a few body cleanse foods that we can consume on a daily basis listed in this video .
That’s right folks being on a shoestring budget is how I got started from home. The majority of these DIY products you probably already have in your refrigerator.
Removing sugar and processed foods from your diet just for a couple of days. This list includes the following below:
- NO Sweets, such as cakes and ice cream
- SAY NO TO Microwavable foods
- NO Fast foods places
Detox Smoothies, Natural Body Detox
Detox juice cleanse smoothies are a great way to get started on living a natural healthy body detox life. When our bodies are functioning at optimal levels, our internal organs ensure that the detoxification process is efficient and ongoing.
However, with all the stresses on our bodies from pesticides, pollutants, hectic lifestyles and the non-organic, refined food diet that many of us eat, our bodies struggle to keep up with detoxification. Detox smoothies help our bodies to get a ‘kick start’, now and then.
Strict detox plans are often hard to follow, they are too severe. Detox juice cleanse smoothies are a really easy way to get started as you can begin by just replacing one meal or snack each day. This is no hardship but you will see and feel benefits very soon.
Plus, they are excellent choices for your weight loss goals too.

Some people could not follow a strict detox plan anyway, because of pre-existing medical conditions. For these people, a daily smoothie is a great way to get some natural body detox benefits.
You can make them at home in a smoothie blender, smoothie maker or even a food processor. Try to use organic ingredients wherever possible. If this is not possible, you should ensure all fruits and vegetables are thoroughly washed before use.
A great benefit of making them at home is that you can get the freshest possible smoothies. If you make too much or cannot use all of it straight away, any left-over mixture can be frozen to retain much of the goodness.
Supplements For Your Detox Smoothies
- Vitamin C
- Probiotics and Chlorophyll.
- You can also use dried fruits, soak these overnight and use the liquid in the smoothie as well.
- Flax seeds are also a great addition as they have many health benefits.
Detox smoothies as part of a natural body detox are becoming more and more popular. It seems we are turning more and more to natural solutions to health problems.
This can only be a good thing but as with prescription medicines, it is wise to be cautious. This is why I recommend beginning with Detox smoothies rather than launching into a strict detox plan as a gentle introduction to detoxification and a healthier, more radiant you.
Here is my little secret. Whenever I get a craving for those things listed above, I simply replace it with a healthy summer detox weight loss smoothie. The video also includes the DIY homemade body cleanse recipes too. Thank me later.
Now if you are always on the go and do not have enough time to make these yourself, please take a look at a company called SoFlo Detox

All of their smoothies are organic and delicious too. The best part about these pre-packed smoothies is that they are shipped directly to you.
That is right folks. You heard me correctly. All of your raw fruits, veggies, and greens are delivered to your front doorstep.
SoFlo Plant Based Detox Smoothies
- 100% Plant Based
- 100% Organic
- Soy Free
- Sweetener Free
- Dairy Free
- Gluten Free
- No Additives

Now that you have all of your delicious summer detox weight loss smoothies in stock, let’s raise the bar to another level.
If you are looking to detox your body and lose weight, all of the suggestions that I have mentioned thus far will help you to achieve that goal too.

I am talking about TAVA. It is pronounced like tah-vah. Just like lava from a volcano. It is also a 100% plant based bonus product that I use with the consumption of smoothies, lunch, dinner, and workouts too.

I am loving this product thus far because it helps with my weight loss and detox needs of living a healthy detox life on a daily basis.
All of their products are designed to deep cleanse your entire digestive system known as your gut.

What is Your Gut?
Detoxifying your gut includes your large and small intestines, stomach, esophagus, mouth, liver, and pancreas
All of the products that I have mentioned will reset your gut’s digestive system in a matter of days.

TAVA’s plant based liquid extracts ranges from detox green teas to CBD infused coffee. Please take a look at the informational video listed below regarding TAVA’s product via Dr. Bramwell
She gives a more in depth review regarding TAVA’s products and why they are healthy and safe for you to consume them too.
I provided this because I am a fact checker. I am also transparent with any product that I use or endorse to the public too.
If you are not still convinced with this blog post thus far about finding new ways to living a healthy detox life, keep searching. Continue to find the best methods for yourself regarding detoxing toxins from the body.
There are heaps of body detox plans that one can set up nowadays. These detox plans won’t just make the food taste better, the fixings in these plans will likewise give the fundamental parts that your body needs to endure and furthermore to assist with the way toward eliminating substances that are harmful to your body.
For the most part, while detoxing your body, you ought to pick food that is rich in fiber and drink loads of water. Keep away from sweet food sources like chocolates and desserts, caffeine and carbonated beverages.
Follow this body detox formula to detox your body and you will have a better body right away. For breakfast, forego your typical breakfast made of improved grains and make yourself a banana porridge. A body detox diet is burdening the body and you will require all the energy that bananas can give.
You can have something marginally seriously filling like a plate of barbecued cod fish loaded up with potatoes. For additional flavors, add steamed vegetables and do recall not to add salt to it. Codfish is nutritious and low on fat.
During Supper
You can make simple chicken weight loss meals. Don’t worry, just like Allstate you are covered and dinner is served below.
These are only examples of the many body detox suggestions accessible that will assist you with detoxing your body.
The objective is to detox your body and simultaneously diminish the admission of food sources that are in less added substances, sugars and additives.
As I stated earlier, what worked for me may not be right for you regarding the results that you are searching for as your primary objective.
The summer is approaching. There is no better motivation out here other than yourself.

Living A Healthy Detox Life
My objective for detoxifying was to get in the best of shape as possible. My weight started out as 225lbs. I went from being 225lbs to 197lbs in two weeks. Awe Sucky Ducky! Quack Quack! I love every bit of myself.
All of the homemade body cleanse smoothies and exercising at home is causing me to lose weight. TAVA enhances and rejuvenates my body to look and feel good too.
Speaking of rejuvenation, drinking plenty of water in my opinion is the best form detox cleanse that your body will benefit the most from on a daily basis.
Here are a few of my favorite detox infused DIY homemade water drinks listed below in this video. Staying hydrated in the summer is a must in humid weather too.
Plus, you want to stay disciplined towards your detox goals too.
Since the summertime is already here upon us, please check out the latest tips for hosting ice cream socials via my blog. Your kids and children we enjoy these perks.
I really hope that you enjoyed these informative detox smoothie recipes courtesy of me. It was my pleasure of sharing them with all of you.

If You Want To Purchase Me A Cup Of Coffee, I Thank You For Your Generosity.

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Continue to be safe and stay healthy against COVID-19. Let’s Keep our neighbors and families safe.
I love it very informational..