Stopping Dental abuse in America or abuse period should not be tolerated nor accepted in our today’s world.
It has consumed many of our joyful lives that many of us are afraid to fight back against this disease that exists here in America and blog posts are for informative purposes only.
I am not an attorney. If you have been a victim of any dental abusive action or behavior, please seek legal advice from a professional.
Let me first say that I am glad to be back writing again Ice Cream Socials. I became a victim of dental abuse which put my entire life on pause emotionally and physically.
I took a stand to stop my dental abuser from stealing my joy.
In this blog post I will point out the necessary steps that I had took to fight back against stopping dental abuse because it needs to stop.

File A Police Report
The most important rule that you should always follow is to have proof of documentation or written statement of detail events that leads up to action of abuse.
Filing a police report is a game changer in stopping dental abuse.
I am pretty sure that all of us have been in a situation where the truth is very hard to come by in today’s world.
Body cameras and cell phones are our documents of proof that we sometimes rely on for evidence.
- Filing a police report gives you the burden of proof that the incident occurred
- It will be permissible in a court of law too.
Therefore, document all abusive acts by filling out a police report.
It is better to be well prepared at all times when dealing with abusive behavior. My motto is “Stay Ready So You Don’t Have To Get Ready”
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I became aware of my dental abuse problem or nightmare on March 27th 2018.
Yes, that is how long my case has been under legal status against my former dentist.
I am patient because justice will prevail. Plus, I know that these mini-malpractice cases can take time to evaluate as well too.
Also, everything was documented and filed with the necessary authorities involved too.
Every state has an organization that issues or regulates business licenses for all professions.
After I filed a police report documenting my abusive encounter, I also filed a claim with the IDFPR (Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation) too.
In Illinois, this is the organization that enforces and regulates the licenses for all business professionals.
Therefore, find out the name or organization that is in charge of issuing professional licenses in your home state.
You can also visit To find out how the process works too here for Illinois for stopping dental abuse in our home state and America
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Once this is established, you will be able to file a claim against any professional, licensed employee, or dental practice regarding abuse.
Detail Of Events
On March 27th 2018, I suffered an injury by the hands of my former dentist.
I suffered a bruise and possible nerve damage near the back molars of the upper right side of my teeth # 2, #3, and #4, and on my left side my he used a scalpel to cut small slits or cracks on both sides of my teeth.
Therefore, every time that I would chew or bite down on anything my teeth would crack automatically due to the bite pressure of force of just eating my food.
The procedure that was performed on me was unethical, inhumane, and criminal. My teeth were burned, punctured, and cut on purpose.
My former dentist purposely falsified and communicated to me that I had a small piece of metal filling that he wanted to remove before treating me for cold and sensitivity issues underneath the bottom surfaces of my teeth and not behind.
Therefore, his focus should have only been treating me for the cold sensitivity issues that I was having with my teeth ( #2, #3, and #4) located near my upper right side of my back molars underneath my tooth’s surfaces and not behind.
Imagine someone taking a heating tool underneath your teeth surfaces. Basically, this unprofessional fool was damaging my teeth on purpose for personal gain. He was killing off my teeth's nerves and blood vessels for personable gain for profit.
Once this happens, your teeth will automatically start to die on its own causing you to have a root canal. I could not feel anything because my right side and left side was numb with Novocaine.

Detail Of Events Continued
On March 8th 2018, I met with my former dentist regarding cold sensitivity issues that I was having under my tooth molars upper right side (tooth #2, #3 and #4). His evaluation concluded that my teeth #2, #3, and #4 were fine.
He also suggested that I should start using Sensodyne Toothpaste.
He also concluded that my x-rays were fine too. I had no cavities. I was not even charged for the office visit as a kind gesture on his part.
On March 14th 2018, I had a teeth cleaning appointment with the hygienist during my visit too. I even asked her if my teeth were fine and she said yes too.
On March 27th 2018, I met with my former dentist again regarding the pain that I was having underneath the same teeth #2, #3 and #4.
I cannot mention the dentist’s name or practice because my case is still in litigation via IDFPR: Case #2018-11587
I asked him several times if I had any cavities because drinking cold water should not be causing me this much pain.
At this point of my conversation with my dentist, I really felt that he was hiding something from me.
My next question was why he delaying the process to treat my condition when this is my 2nd time meeting him in his office during the month of March for the same problem.
This is where I lost my trust in his abilities to provide me with the same standard of care as a patient.
Instead of treating me fairly, he was damaging my teeth on purpose for personal gain. All three of my teeth #2, #3, and #4 were being sabotage for personal gain.
He used a flammable mobile device to burn cracks into my teeth surfaces to agitate the nerves or blood vessels underneath my tooth’s surfaces too.
This is probably why I had the sensitivity issues in the first place.

Red Flags Dental Abuse
- Never allow any dentist to operate on you without your consent of approval
- Never agree to any dental treatments that you are unclear about
- If your previous treatments are causing you to feel more pain than relief
- Watch out for dentist who try to force you to have a treatment done that you are not confident about
- Definitely watch out for dentists who have attitude responding to your questions
Stop Dental Abuse Tips
- When you go to your next dental appointment, always take pictures with your cell phone of your entire mouth. Top to Bottom and Side to Side.
- Make copies of all your dental billing statements that will outline all the work performed on your teeth
Whiter Teeth In 5 Days! Save $100’s! No Dental visits!- Having photographs of your teeth before and after each appointment can also let you know whether or not your dentist is trustworthy or not.
Remember what I told you earlier?
Stay Ready So You Don’t Have To Get Ready
I did not write this post to put dentist on blast or shame them in general.
Writing this post to bring awareness of the dental abuse that exists in our America today must stop
We should never tolerate or accept abusive behavior by cowards whom break the law for personal gain at the expense of others.
Therefore, you should not either.
Make all abusers accountable for their actions #Stand-Tall #Hold-Your-Head-Up and #Never-Fold

Even though this has been a long journey for me to even discuss this with you, I am so glad that I did with dignity.
When we stand together as one, our journey together becomes bearable to handle with a clear mind.
In regards to all the dentists that are doing their job with professionalism, Let me be the first to salute you all.
I thank you all for your service and dedication to care for others too.
Coffee, Tea, Tobacco Stains... No Problem! Get Whiter Teeth! In 10 Minutes per Day! GUARANTEED!Dental or any abuse is something that we should never overlook or take lightly.
Let's stand together as a whole and end this sick disease to stop dental abuse in America for all.
Stopping dental abuse here in America should be a priority. These inhumane acts of violence will not be tolerated nor forgotten.
If you know anybody out there who is going through a form of abuse, please share this article.
Stopping dental abuse here in America or any abuse in general is a priority that leads us to be more accountable as human beings.
Therefore, let's not allow ourselves to become spectators of these inhumane acts of violence. Instead, let's us be soldiers of action to fight back against these forms of abusive behavior.

United We Stand! Divided We Fall!
For those who want to show their appreciation for the content that I distribute on my blog, I thank you in advance.
Any donations that you give to assist me with repairing my teeth are highly humbling of you too.
This is the only thing that I want for Christmas this year is to smile again.
I am grateful for your generosity as well.
Either way, I am doing the best that I can until this nightmare is over. Any donations are acceptable. My annual family dental coverage is $1500 per calendar year. My annual benefits have already been consumed for this year of 2021. Now I have to pay out of pocket cost.
My total dental costs supersedes $1500 per calendar year tremendously. I am trying to raise enough support to cover all of my out of pocket expenses, but i can not achieve this alone by myself.
Simply put, it now becomes a waiting game until things change for me for the better. Therefore, if you can find it in your hearts to make donations for my cause I thank you all in advance.
However, if you are unable to do so, let me be the first to say "Thank you for your time and consideration".
#dental #crowdfunding #payitforward #dentalcare #needhelp #stopdentalabuse